Monday, March 07, 2005

A little Mary J.

I woke up this morning, opened up my eyes and prayed
Lord, it's just a beautiful day
No matter what nobody say...

Despite the face that I woke up this morning to find that not only had i set my alarm clock to p.m. instead of a.m. (this discovery being made when I should've been on the way to work) AND that Elsa left not one or two but three 'surprises' for me to clean up, I'm feeling pretty damn good today. The day had virtually no potential but I stepped outside and the sun was shining and the snow was melting and I haven't stopped smiling since.

Despite the fact that I met another hot, fun, perfect-for-me guy this weekend and he also turned out to be a jerk. This one may have held a bit of potential had he not spent all night dancing/flirting with me and turned out to have a girlfriend.

Despite all this, I would like to remind my ladies that it is in fact a beautiful day.



ericasue said...

It was a beautiful day here as well! Sadly, we are expecting a cold front and snow later this week but Spring is coming I know!

And I hate when I do that with my alarm clock.

Kate H said...

Well, it's such a relief that all those months of celibacy will be virtually erased by screwing the hell out of my friends this weekend. Too bad none of you actually like vagina...